Thursday, November 18, 2010

Changing India my way Part 1

You'll Might be thinking what made me think about this topic, Am i Politician??? Leader??? Superstar?? Super Hero??

Well no!!! I am none of this...I am just a Common HUMAN BEING, Wanting my Country to be Always Prospering and Growing with a Flavour of Humanity..These are the things you'll might know, agree or disagree..With due Respect to all Just sharing my feelings

The Title "Changing India my way", in this the word "my" doesn't represent ME or some other Represents all the people living in India

The first Part consist of two ingredients "Attitude and Behaviour"


This is a very wider concept..Attitude  can make alot of changes...A simple Example of that was "Rajiv Gandhi" an IT Revolutioner...he was one who made India Realize that it can be one of the most powerful country when it comes to computer and he was right in his thinking because we all know today where India has Reached in IT sector

What made him think that India can be and what made him bring those changes which were never seen before??
"Attitude"...Yeah guys thats the word "Attitude"..The one thing in his mind was that he needs to change India in some way or the other and he thought we are the best and we can be the best..When Rajiv Gandhi was born the nurse din't turn to his mom and said "Here is the guy who would bring IT revolution in India"..he will change the picture of India in the Field of computer??? did she???..It was the attitude which brought him so far..The feel to change our country

In the context, Today's youngster..The attitude we have is still not changed??? we think that this country can never will always remain the same..Corrupted and good for nothing??? can anyone tell me how will the changes take place??? i saw couple of my friends talking in the office, watching some  video about a UK Zoo and they were so quick to compare saying that "Look at thier Zoo's so cleaned and the Animals looks so sophisticated and look at our zoo's..Did we see out Attitude??? does it sounds like we are curious in changing India???  Not at all..we are just curious is Cursing our country?? aren't we??? The fact is thier zoo's are so clean because the ppl wants it that way..its the attitude which allows them to keep it clean

Well i am not here to blame anybody nor i think my post can make bigger EFFECT but however it can make a small IMPACT. Lets take it this way, we as an Indian have one resposibility towards our country..Bring that attitude in you and even a 100 group of people does that with, a Minor change can happen.No one has to put in rocket science to make a change?? For an instance "PLANT A TREE" does that take a rocket science?? no it doesnt..but it will help in reducing global warming..doesnt that bring a change??yes it does and that change wud only be for would be a proud owner for that change..LETS CHANGE OUR ATTITUDE..LETS CHANGE OUT COUNTRY

I hope this can make you think about it..would bring some other parts to it soon

Till then Take care!!!!

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